Message of the Mayor

Dear Esteemed Friends and People Who Believe in the Future of Mugla,


Our vision of ‘World City Muğla’ is not just a goal; rather, it is a step that we take together in the construction of our future. With this vision, we aim to play an active role in the international agenda by building inter-cultural bridges and developing our city into a global actor. We use all methods of city diplomacy to ensure that our city gains a strong international identity by promoting Muğla’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauties not only within the borders of the country but also around the world.

Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we collaborate with various international organisations and cities to make Muğla a more resilient city in both environmental and social areas. With our goal of becoming a leading city in the struggle against the climate crisis, we are committed to strengthening our global connections, developing smart city projects and implementing sustainable development strategies at every step.

As the Mayor of Muğla Metropolitan Municipality, I strongly believe in international co-operation. We aim to develop a wide range of international projects and partnerships in order to improve the prosperity of our local community and contribute to global sustainable development goals. We take advantage of cooperation opportunities in many fields from tourism to education, from environmental projects to cultural exchange programmes. Through EU projects, sister city agreements and joint cultural events, we aim to ensure that Muğla becomes more recognised internationally.

In this respect, we will make every effort to represent Muğla more strongly on international platforms and to strengthen social support and co-operation in all areas by utilising the full potential of our city.

While setting the basis of our future, we also care about your ideas and contributions. I will be with you at every step to establish a more beautiful, more sustainable and stronger Muğla together.

Bright future for us!


Ahmet Aras

Mayor of Muğla Metropolitan Municipality

President of Coastal Aegean Municipalities Union