Muğla Metropolitan Mayor Ahmet Aras delivered a speech at the closing session of the BridgEU project held in Lecce. As part of the program, contributions were made by Valentina Avvantaggiato, Mayor of Melpignano; Giacomo Cazzato, Mayor of Tiggiano; Fabio Tarantino, Vice President of...

Muğla Metropolitan Municipality took part in the 18th International Tourism Trade Fair and Congress held in Izmir. The Muğla booth at the fair attracted significant attention from both national and international tourism sector representatives, showcasing the region's appeal and potential to visitors and...

Muğla Metropolitan Municipality and the Turkey Disabled Association Muğla Branch made significant visits to the Netherlands, where they observed exemplary services in areas such as support for disabled individuals, home care, and residential care. Muğla Metropolitan Municipality, known for implementing numerous innovative projects in...

Muğla Metropolitan Municipality held the introduction meeting for the Muğla Tourism Research and Strategy Development Platform it has launched. The introduction meeting for the Muğla Tourism Research and Strategy Development Platform, which aims to confidently carry Muğla, the tourism capital, into the future, was...

Im Rahmen seiner Frankreich-Besuche traf sich der Bürgermeister von Muğla mit dem Entwicklungsdirektor des Technologiegebiets Sophia-Antipolis und nahm an einer umfassenden Präsentation über Anwendungsbeispiele in den Bereichen intelligente Städte, künstliche Intelligenz, Gesundheit, nachhaltige Schifffahrt, saubere-grüne Energie und Cybersicherheit teil.